ICD Logo Star Solo

We empower each other. We love hair. We are ambitious. We learn from each another. We cultivate friendships. Intercoiffure Mondial is a beauty community that is passionate about its work. A force for good. Elite hairstylists from all parts of the globe are constantly enriching the industry with their new hair fashion inspiration. Collections are created as a visionary oeuvre and draw their fashionable influences and inspiration from all continents. The home of all our members is the House of Nations on Rue Saint-Martin in Paris. This is where trends are set, workshops are held and styles are showcased. It is also the scene of a lot of laughter, hard work and celebration – the collective creative energy of the global community is palpable. Welcome home, to this special place of transnational friendships. 12,000 salons worldwide carry the star symbol of Intercoiffure Mondial – the label is regarded as an international trademark for the highest quality craftsmanship and further training. Salons with the Intercoiffure stars shine like fashion guideposts on the world beauty map.

Discover our vision of global beauty.

Couples were dancing the Charleston in ballrooms; women were having their hair cut into short bobs – the “Roaring Twenties” were renowned for their exuberant and extravagant parties. It was at this time, in 1925, that hairstylists from Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Denmark and England established the L’Association Internationale des Maîtres Coiffeurs de Dames (I.C.D.). Five years later, in 1930, France created its own “Section”. And it was Parisian hair artist and sculptor Guillaume Guglielmi, who took the destiny of Intercoiffure Mondial into his own hands after the Second World War, succeeded by John Pfeil, Alexandre de Paris, Maurice Franck and Klaus Peter Ochs. In September 2021, Peter F. Pfister was appointed Global President of Intercoiffure Mondial. Bringing with him a new vision and brand image « The World’s leading hairdressers », the new President wants to push a step further the global association.

Under his auspices, one of the biggest goals of Intercoiffure Mondial is promoting the future of the industry – together with highly valued partners. The global support, friendship and appreciation between the hair industry and Intercoiffure Mondial enable salons to grow. This also includes intensive junior training: through the activities of the Fondation Guillaume, Intercoiffure’s Juniors are empowered, inspired and given the opportunity to keep developing. Another goal and matter close to our hearts is social responsibility. Every year, Intercoiffure Mondial increases its support for socially disadvantaged youths with the “Education for Life” programme.

Shaping the future and shaping beauty – Intercoiffure Mondial lives vicariously through its members and uses the positive strength of its global network. As a prestigious association, Intercoiffure Mondial is meanwhile synonymous with “The World’s Most Beautiful Hair – Vision of the Elite”, all hairstylists with the highest quality standards who have committed themselves to the same set of common values: dedication to creativity, the art of excellent handcraftsmanship and a passion for beauty. Intercoiffure stylists thrive on communication and networking. The active exchange of fashion inspiration, business know-how and employee development represents our passion and curiosity. Visions are developed at national and international ICD events. Intercoiffure hairstylists want to make a difference and look to the future with unbridled energy and vision. They are image changers, style experts and business leaders. And they all share the same spirit: “We want to grow together, support each other and empower ourselves through our friendships.”

Here we are! Online, offline, print or digital. Intercoiffure Mondial is represented on a variety of platforms – at events, on the internet, in photo shoots, workshops, newsletters or in fashion magazines. Each member can make use of Intercoiffure Mondial’s various marketing tools to draw attention to their creativity and quality. A strong brand with magical appeal.



What is on trend? What is influencing the fashion lifestyle right now? Artistic teams from the ICD Sections and Intercoiffure members capture their visions of beauty on camera and reflect the zeitgeist. Collections by Intercoiffure Mondial present photo editorials with cool cuts and creative colour statements. Photo shoots as a global hair fashion journey.

Mondial Spotlight

A celebration of trends: Intercoiffure members and beauty experts from all over the world meet every year at the two-day Spotlight event in Paris. The line-up includes the prestigious Chevalerie Awards, hair fashion shows, performances by juniors from the Fondation Guillaume and the TRENDblast finale.

Night of the Stars

Spectacular hair fashion event from the capital of fashion: for one whole night, Intercoiffure Mondial celebrates the art of hairstyling in Paris with gala shows, captivating stage entertainment and personality awards. Industry greats and style legends are honoured in an official ceremony and presented with L’Ordre de la Chevalerie.

World Congress

Global glamour at the industry’s most well-known and visionary get-together: the Intercoiffure Mondial World Congress takes place every four years, alternating between Europe, America and Asia. A global summit where the most creative hairstylists in the hippest cities meet up to take part in the ultimate celebration of friendship across all borders.

Intercoiffure on social media

#intercoiffuremondial. On our Instagram profile we post daily content and provide hair fashion updates 24/7. Check out @intercoiffuremondial for trend inspiration, fashion news, before/after styles and backstage stories.

We like! The Intercoiffure Mondial members are just one click away from their fans: www.facebook.com/intercoiffure.mondial.

And you can find even more photos and information on our website: www.intercoiffure-mondial.org


What’s happening? What’s next? Get the lowdown from Intercoiffure Mondial on the latest fashion news, salon shoots and WorldAcademy news and admire photos from all ICD regions. Plus: reviews and previews of international and regional events and activities. Make sure you’re always in the know!

Intercoiffure Magazine

Trend guide, event reports and a celebration of fashion. Intercoiffure Mondial’s online magazine celebrates the creative diversity of its hair artists and their shared passion for art, fashion, architecture and hair.


The power of beauty and hair fashion by the best hairstylists in the world. Intercoiffure Mondial shares it visions through its global PR and communications. International glossies and leading women’s magazines love the photos by Intercoiffure artists, whose trendsetting fashion editorials are published all over the globe – everywhere from Brazil to Japan, China, South Africa, Australia and Europe. Intercoiffure Mondial enriches the press with its artistic fashion creativity and elevates its media profile to the next level.

Intercoiffure hairstylists live and breathe authenticity, identity, international flair and individuality. 42 nations have committed to the same values and created regional structures around the international exchange between Europe, Asia, North & Latin America, Nordic and Oceania. The future of beauty, fashion and hairstyling is in diversity.


Peter F. PFISTER – President ICD Mondial – Austria

Frank GAMBUZZA – Vice–President ICD Mondial – USA

Junji YAMANO – Vice–President ICD Mondial – Japan

Markus HERRMANN – Vice–President ICD Mondial || President Europe Region & ICD Germany

Martin PETERER – Treasurer ICD Mondial, President ICD Mond SA & IMM

Ignacio ROMERO – Working Committee member – Spain

Oliver BOHN – President Fondation Guillaume – Germany

Bruno SOMMER – Managing Director Fondation Guillaume – Switzerland

Eizo KAKIMOTO – President Asia Region – Japan

Christer HERTZBERG–HADDAD – President Nordic Region – Sweden

Sheila ZARICOR–WILSON – President North America Region & ICD America–Canada – USA

Miguel ESTELRICH – President Latin America Region – Brazil

Anel CLOETE – President Oceania Region & ICD South Africa

June WILDE – Chancellor of the Chevalerie – Australia

Jens DAGNÉ – President Education for Life – Germany

Dan STUDER – Managing Director Education for Life || President ICD Luxembourg

Joakim ROOS – Chairman Intercoiffure World Academy – Sweden

Oddbjørn JAKOBSEN – Chevalerie Council member – Norway

Natasha BALABANOVA – President ICD Ukraine

Rosanna SCATIGNO – Former President ICD Italy

Andreas INNFELD – President ICD Austria

Ivan GANEV – President ICD Bulgaria

Hiroyuki OBAYASHI – President ICD Japan & Fashion Director Asia Region – Japan

George XU – President ICD China

Chu–Wei CHENG – Former President ICD Taiwan

Scott BUCHANAN – Vice–President ICD America–Canada – USA

Anna PACITTO – Fashion Director ICD America–Canada – Canada

Ezra ISAACS – Vice President South Africa

Jas JHALLY – President ICD Australia

Luciana NILO – 2nd Artistic Director ICD Brazil

Marlene MIZRAHI – Member ICD Uruguay

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