Intercoiffure hairstylists live and breathe authenticity, identity, international flair and individuality. 42 nations have committed to the same values and created regional structures around the international exchange between Europe, Asia, North & Latin America, Nordic and Oceania. The future of beauty, fashion and hairstyling is in diversity.


Peter F. PFISTER – President ICD Mondial – Austria

Frank GAMBUZZA – Vice–President ICD Mondial – USA

Junji YAMANO – Vice–President ICD Mondial – Japan

Markus HERRMANN – Vice–President ICD Mondial || President Europe Region & ICD Germany

Martin PETERER – Treasurer ICD Mondial, President ICD Mond SA & IMM

Ignacio ROMERO – Working Committee member – Spain

Oliver BOHN – President Fondation Guillaume – Germany

Bruno SOMMER – Managing Director Fondation Guillaume – Switzerland

Eizo KAKIMOTO – President Asia Region – Japan

Christer HERTZBERG–HADDAD – President Nordic Region – Sweden

Sheila ZARICOR–WILSON – President North America Region & ICD America–Canada – USA

Miguel ESTELRICH – President Latin America Region – Brazil

Anel CLOETE – President Oceania Region & ICD South Africa

June WILDE – Chancellor of the Chevalerie – Australia

Jens DAGNÉ – President Education for Life – Germany

Dan STUDER – Managing Director Education for Life || President ICD Luxembourg

Joakim ROOS – Chairman Intercoiffure World Academy – Sweden

Oddbjørn JAKOBSEN – Chevalerie Council member – Norway

Natasha BALABANOVA – President ICD Ukraine

Rosanna SCATIGNO – Former President ICD Italy

Andreas INNFELD – President ICD Austria

Ivan GANEV – President ICD Bulgaria

Hiroyuki OBAYASHI – President ICD Japan & Fashion Director Asia Region – Japan

George XU – President ICD China

Chu–Wei CHENG – Former President ICD Taiwan

Scott BUCHANAN – Vice–President ICD America–Canada – USA

Anna PACITTO – Fashion Director ICD America–Canada – Canada

Ezra ISAACS – Vice President South Africa

Jas JHALLY – President ICD Australia

Luciana NILO – 2nd Artistic Director ICD Brazil

Marlene MIZRAHI – Member ICD Uruguay

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