Banner MasterBarber Conference_9+10 March

Peter F. Pfister AT 2021 2The Big Apple is welcoming our men' specialists.

On March 9 and 10, 2024 will take place the very first MasterBarber conference in New York City.

It will be the opportunity for our Intercoiffure members to exchange about business opportunities, best practices and international ideas.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank my Vice-President, responsible for the MasterBarber concept, Frank Gambuzza, for helping us making this possible.



Start the day with an international "Meet & Greet". This will be the opportunity for all participants to meet and get to know each other before pacing up and down the city. On this occasion, Frank Gambuzza will lead you through a Barbershop tour in New York. Come back for a first wrap up on this exciting day.

For those who would love to continue the evening programme with their fellows, a dinner will be organised and followed by a typical Jazz evening (on extra costs).


welcome   10am: Meet & Greet
City tour   12pm: Barbershop Tour
 welcome   5pm: Wrap up 
~ On extra costs ~    
 Dinner   7.30pm: Group dinner 
Jazz Bar   9.30pm: Live Music Entertainment



SUNDAY 10th:

After a dynamic day, it is time for a business and technical programme. A mix between look & learn and discussions, discover what awaits you on that Sunday:


Barber   10am: DOP-DOP SoHo
Dinner   12pm: Lunch
education   1pm: Technical demos 
welcome   3pm: Open discussions
diploma   4pm: Wrap up and diplomas handover


Registration platform opens soon. To secure your seat, proceed to pre-booking by using the below form and send it back to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To book your ticket(s), you must be connected with your personal codes. Then a black button will appear to give you accesss to the registration platform.



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